Hello! If you’re down here, we figure you’ve had a pretty good look around our GIRLS page. So, you’ll know that Spots & Stripes products are specially made for teens and tweens (and you might know they were created by a mother of teens with some serious experience in the beauty business).
We’ve spent a lot of time developing formulas that are gentle – because teenage and pre-teen skin needs that – but full of clever ingredients that will do great things to your skin, hair and body. We hope that this is going to be the beginning of a great relationship. And the start of healthy skin-, hair- and body care routines that will see you through your teens and into adulthood.
Because we truly believe that good routines aren't just great for your skin/hair/body. Doing anything regularly and daily is going to be a game-changer for your confidence (studies show routines make a difference to productivity, creativity and mental health, too!).