Deodorant is often the first 'grown up' product you ever use. It needs to work (obvs!), but it also needs it to be safe on your delicate skin. Traditional deodorants use a variety of ingredients that have been shown to be potentially harmful (aluminium is the biggest worry). Studies are still ongoing into the long-term effects of these iffy ingredients, but where your body and your future health are concerned, it's always better to be safe than sorry.

Why do we sweat?

You might not want to hear this, but sweating is good for you. It's your body's way of cooling down. It's also your body's way of getting rid of toxins and other nasty stuff.

Why don't we make an anti-perspirant?

Because they stop you sweating (and, therefore, doing all of the above). And that isn't good. Oh, and they do this by blocking your pores with Aluminium compounds (which are such small molecules, they literally penetrate your skin and get into your body). You might have heard the news and rumours about Aluminium and it's link to breast cancer, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and dementia. While a direct link is still to be found, the National Cancer Institute has confirmed that aluminium, like parabens, is an oestrogenic chemical - which means that it interacts with your body's hormones and cells in ways similar to oestrogen. And you definitely don't want that, because excess oestrogen plays a role in promoting cancer cells.

Anti-perspirants also upset the balance of the bacteria on our skin. A healthy armpit has a lot of beneficial bacteria that keep bad smells at bay. Using anti-perspirant knocks out those bacteria in a similar way to how antibiotics kill off the 'good' bacteria in our gut.

How does our natural deodorant work?

Instead of blocking your sweat glands, our natural deodorant works in three clever and effective ways. First, the natural powders, corn starch and kaolin, absorb wetness and make it hard for bacteria to break down sweat and create odour. Second, powerhouse essential oils (Neem, Kanuka, Niaouli…) knock out bacteria so your sweat doesn't get a chance to smell funky. Finally, deliciously scented Rosemary, Lavender, Peppermint and Spearmint make your armpits smell super-sweet, and Shea Butter makes them super-soft.

What you can expect when you use it

If this is your first time using a deodorant, you'll adapt to a natural product very easily. But if you've been using a conventional anti-perspirant or deodorant, your body might take some time to adjust to our 100% natural formulation. Look at it as a kind of 'detox' period. And like all detoxes, it's not always easy. The important thing is not to give up. Here is what can happen and what you can do to make the transition easier:

  • Getting sweatier (and possibly smellier) - we know this is tough, particularly if you've been using products that have kept you dry and stink-free before. But it's your body flushing out those toxins and readjusting. It won't last - so stick with it. Your body will thank you.
  • Keep bacteria at bay - by washing regularly and carefully and thoroughly drying your armpits after that shower/bath. Wet armpits are a bacteria breeding ground…
  • Keep hydrated and eat well - not drinking enough water and eating unhealthy food can actually make you smell more. Drink that water! Eat fresh, unprocessed food! Believe us, you'll smell better.
  • Wear cotton (and other natural fibres) - synthetic fibres make you sweat more and don't allow your skin to breath. Keep what's close to your skin as natural possible.
  • Try a probiotic (Kafir is our favourite) - if your gut is full of good, happy bacteria, your armpits will be, too. Bonus: probiotics work miracles on spotty skin.

You never have to worry about what’s inside a bottle of Spots & Stripes

Because we’ve done all the worrying for you. We never test on animals, only on ourselves (and our children!). Our products are manufactured with extraordinary care to protect the power of the ingredients, and make them as safe as possible. Our ingredients are of the highest quality; sustainably and ethically sourced. And when we don’t like an ingredient’s rep, we leave it out. Find out what’s not in our products.

Look at these products as a starter kit for looking good, and smelling even better. They’re gentle, but they’re also full of super-smart ingredients to deal with tween and teen skin and hair needs.