You might be a pomade/wax expert, or you might have never used the stuff before. Either way, this tried-and-tested hack will make sure you're putting on our pomade like a pro:
1. Don't start at the front or sides! Start at the back - where your hair tends to be thicker - and work your way to the front.
2. Scoop out a good dollop. Thick hair might need more, but a knuckle-full should be enough for fine hair. You can always build it up.
3. Before you put the pomade into your hair, warm it in your hands. When it's warm, it will spread more evenly through your hair.
4. If you have thick or curly hair, apply it to damp hair. Damp hair absorbs more product, which will give you more control and hold. If your hair is fine, applying to dry hair is best. You can see how it's working and avoid putting on too much.
5. When you are all set. Do this: